Her comment was along the lines of, "They're having to do this because they forgave all those Kingdom Hall loans a few years ago and the brothers aren't donating anymore."
Who is the "They're" and "they" that she is referring to? Doesn't she mean "Jehovah is" and "he"?
Doesn't she believe that Jehovah is directing Watchtower Corporation and he made the decision to forgive the loans? Isn't this all part of His will and purpose?
Well, my sister-in-law and her husband, special pioneers for only a couple of years, just got their letter.
They've had their couple of years as special pioneers, so what do they have to show for it? Did they meet dozens of interested people while working d2d, study with them, and get them dunked? In a couple of years they should have a new congregation filled with new publishers that they brought into "da troof"!
Or maybe Jehovah didn't see that they were fruitful branches, so he lopped them off.